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5 Questions About Cataracts

5 Questions About Cataracts

June is Cataract Awareness Month, a great opportunity to educate yourself on this eye condition that so many of us will experience in our lifetimes. By age 65, as many as 90% of people have at least one cataract forming. We’ve all heard the term cataract, but what exactly is a cataract? A cataract is simply when the natural lens of your eye becomes thick and cloudy. The lens of your eye is typically clear and easy to see through, but when proteins in the lens break down, symptoms occur – like cloudy, foggy, blurry, hazy,...

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25 Eye-mazing Eye Facts

25 Eye-mazing Eye Facts

The human eye is a fascinating organ, second in complexity only to your brain. That’s why you can see clearly in both the bright, mid-day sunlight and also when you’re awakened suddenly from a deep sleep late at night. Without thinking about how you do it,...