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5 Questions About Dry Eye Symptoms and Care

5 Questions About Dry Eye Symptoms and Care

July is National Dry Eye Awareness Month. It is estimated that at least 17 million and up to 50 million Americans suffer moderate to severe symptoms from Dry Eye. Twice as many women as men experience the pain and discomfort of Dry Eye. A significant percentage of diagnoses in women can be attributed to certain types of birth control, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, and menopause. Misdiagnosis of Dry Eye can cause damage to the tissues of the eye, so it’s important that you visit your optometrist for a thorough eye...

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How Contact Lenses Are Made

How Contact Lenses Are Made

If you yourself don’t wear them, you almost definitely know someone who does: Contact lenses — those small, curved pieces of plastic that correct vision impairment — are one of the most successful medical device technologies. They are a part of daily...