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How to Recognize Signs of Vision Problems in School-Age Children

How to Recognize Signs of Vision Problems in School-Age Children

Your eyes are more than just windows to the world. The eyes are a complex and powerful tool that enable us to experience life in vivid detail. From the moment you wake up and see the morning light to the time you close your eyes at bedtime, your vision impacts how you connect and interact with everything in your environment. It’s your eyes that capture the smile of a loved one, the beauty of a flower in bloom, and the words on a page that entertain, inform, and inspire. Your visual system doesn’t just help you see the...

5 Questions About Cataracts

5 Questions About Cataracts

June is Cataract Awareness Month, a great opportunity to educate yourself on this eye condition that so many of us will experience in our lifetimes. By age 65, as many as 90% of people have at least one cataract forming. We’ve all heard the term cataract, but...